Time never stops !

I was just like you when I was twenty years old
A beautiful face is like the full moon when it rises
She is radiant and all eyes are on me
The cheeks are red like apples when they are ripe
The sun was asking me before dawn
Shall I not cover the threads of light if they shine?
I made my hearts intoxicated by the beauty of seduction
I have never tried anything except religion and piety
Sixty years have passed and today I am helpless
Time reaps what is sown in the head
I walk with my cursed crutch holding me down
I was overcome by helplessness and fear that I would fall
Everything perishes, but God, our Creator, remains
He is the one who gave and He is the one who withheld.

Jalal Michael sabbagh/mysuccessisyoursuccessandyoursuccessismysuccess…

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